On Age

   A couple weeks ago I told C that I was halfway to 50.
  "No, you're not," he said.
   "I am too. I'll be 45 this year," I replied.
   "44, actually," he responded.
   "Really?" I asked.
    "Do the math. You're 43 right now," he said.
    I did the math and sure enough, he was right. I had done it again. Whenever anyone asked me how old I was the past year,I said that I was 44.
   The last time I did this was when I was 38. I was telling everyone that I was 39. I was in the beginning stages of planning a 40th birthday party for myself when C reminded me that I was a year early. I spent two years telling people that I was 39. My friends probably thought I was either in dential or trying to imitate Jack Benny.
  I have no idea why I do this. Usually when a woman lies about her age she lowers the number, not raises it. In fact I'm not even sure a woman is allowed to give an actual number. It is 30 something or 40 something or heaven forbid, 50 something.
  The fact is I have never been ashamed of my age. I feel very lucky that I have been around for 44 years. I know several people who didn't. I refuse to be bothered, upset or embarrassed about being my age. I get irate at people who say, "Don't get old." or "It's hell to get old." It still beats the alternative. Every day I have here is a present. It's a chance for me to do better than the day before. It's a chance to help someone out. It's a chance to have a little fun. Why would I want to wish this all away?
  But I digress.....
  What I would like to be is ageless. What I mean by that is someone that doesn't seem or act any particular age. It's not just looks. It's their manner, the way they carry themselves and express themselves. It's hard to define. I can give a few examples, Ingrid Bergman, Vivien Leigh, Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. I can give you a couple of more modern examples (just finished watching the movie "The Sound of Music") Eleanor Parker, Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews. The sense of agelessness is not something that only actors have. I personally know a few women, sorry guys, that seem ageless to me my friends Carol, Patricia, Sarah, Mandy, Dana and Helen. (No ,I am not trying to butter them up.) I know a few other women who have that quality. Candy, who is married to my friend Paul, Susan Campbell and Joan who are women I know from church.
  I think that's the reason why I can't seem to remember my age. I don't want to be limited by a number or even a decade. I don't want to be one certain age. I want to be all of them.......


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