Colby Suffers a Mishap

  Hi, this is Colby. Sophie was looking around for something to write about. I asked her if I could write about what happened last week. She told me it was all right.
  Last week Sophie took me to the vet. I had some bumps on my chin. I've had this before. Usually they are on my back legs where I can scratch them because they itch. It's a skin condition that I have. I've had it since I was a kitten. It's very annoying.
  I don't mind going to the vet. Dr. Ganz is very nice. He likes orange cats. He sometimes calls me "Your Orangeness". I think that is funny. I like Dr. Fenton too. She is very gentle.
  Neither one of them was in the day of my appointment. There was someone filling in. She seemed nice too. She looked at my chin and started talking to Sophie about a bunch of things. I didn't pay attention. I was too busy roaming around the floor. There were a lot of strange smells on the floor. My chin was starting to itch again. I scratched it on a corner of the this big table in the middle of the room.
  Then the vet picked me up. They were going to take me into another room to do something. They've never done this before. I wasn't sure I liked this, but decided not to fight. Sophie would not let them do anything bad to me. Also, my chin really itched. If they were going to do something to make it stop itching,I wasn't going to fight them.
  I saw that they had some warm water on a washcloth. I guess in my trying to scratch my chin I cut myself. They wanted to make sure that it wasn't infected. They cleaned off my chin. There was no infection. Then the vet decided that she wanted to look at the bumps more closely. The problem was that they are all covered with fur. She decided to shave my chin.
  I didn't want them to do that. I don't like the noise of the razor. They wrapped me in a towel, so I couldn't use my claws. They shaved a small part of my chin. I decided that was enough. I turned my head. That's when it happened. They Cut My Whiskers. The whiskers on the right side of my face were almost CUT OFF. I was upset. How could they do that? Couldn't they have just moved the shaver away? I like my whiskers. Next to my tail they are my best feature.
  The vet decided that I needed a shot to make the bumps go away. Normally I don't like shots, but I was so upset about my whiskers that I didn't care.
  They called Sophie in and she looked at me. Thankfully, she didn't laugh about how unbalanced I looked. She gave me a pat on the head and assured me that they would grow back.
  I was Not Happy. The vet tech took me back to the my carrier. I immediately buried my head under the towel that was in the carrier. I didn't want anyone to see me. I looked funny. All the whiskers on one side of my face are the right length and the ones are the other side are little stumps. How humiliating. What was Scamp going to say?
  Sophie was reassuring. She reminded me that the whiskers would grow back and that I was still as handsome as ever. I kept my head buried in the towel. I didn't even look at the new sparkle ball that she bought for me.
  We drove into the driveway and into the garage. I was nervous. I didn't want Scamp to see me, but I had no choice. Sophie carried me into the house. I took my face out of the towel and looked around. Scamp must have been napping because he didn't come out right away. Sophie opened the carrier door and I stepped out. I looked around. There was Scamp. He walked over and sniffed at the carrier and then sniffed at me.  Then he walked into the living room and laid down. I remembered that he doesn't like the vet so he must have wanted to get away from the smell. He has a very sensitive nose.
  Later on he told me that he didn't want me to feel bad. He had noticed the whiskers right away, but figured it was better to say nothing. He's a good brother. I like him a lot.
   I have to take some medicine to make the bumps go away completely. I don't mind, I've done this before. Maybe they will make my whiskers grow back faster.....


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