Weird Things

   Hi! This is Scamp. Colby and I want to tell you about the weird things that have been going on in our house.
   Two weeks ago Sophie got out her cookbooks and starting looking at them. This is not unusual. She has done this before. She found a recipe and starting mixing stuff together. She did one really weird thing, she used a thermometer. She said that the water she put into her mixture had to be the right temperature. She used a mixer and made this white gooey, smelly stuff. She would not let us taste it.
  Then she put her hands in this goo and mixed it. She kept adding more stuff that she called "flour" while she was mixing. It was very messy. It got all over her hands. I didn't understand it. Couldn't she just use a spoon?
  Then she put some flour on the counter and did something that she called "kneading". I know what that is. Colby does it all the time. He likes to do it to stretch out his claws. Sophie doesn't have claws though. It must have done something though because the goo became this soft white lump. Then she took the lump and put it back in the bowl. She put some water in another bowl and then put the bowl with the white lump over it. Then she put a towel over the lump. It was one of the thin towels that she uses to dry dishes. I don't know why she did it. It's not like the towel was going to keep the lump warm. She left it sit for awhile while she did some other things.
  Later she took the towel off the lump. It was the weirdest thing. The lump had gown! I never saw anything like that. How can a lump like that get bigger?
  Then she really did something silly. She took the lump, put it on the counter and packed it down. Why go through all the trouble of letting it get bigger if you are just going to smash it back down again. Humans are so weird. She took the lump, which she said is actually called dough and split it on half. She made each half into a rectangle. (Yes, I know what a rectangle is.) She rolled up the rectangle and put it in an small pan. She took the two pans, put them on a rack and set them over more warm water. She covered them up again. I wondered if the dough was going to get bigger. Maybe there is something about the towel and the water that makes the dough bigger. I don't know. It just seems so strange. Why pack the dough down into the bowl if you are just going to make it grow again?
   The dough did grow again. I wondered how many times Sophie was going to let the dough grow. Maybe I could get her to leave the towel off so I could watch it. She took the pans and put them in the oven to bake. Whatever it was it smelled good. I saw her take it out of the oven when it was done. She seemed pretty pleased with it. I asked her what it was. She said that it is called "bread". I lost interest. Cats don't eat bread. We eat meat. I hope she makes it again. I want to watch the dough grow and maybe she will let Colby knead since he is good at it.
  This is Colby. Sophie has been doing another weird thing. She uses two shiny sticks with points on the ends and makes knots with the yarn. When she starts out all the yearn is on one stick and then she makes these loops and moves the yearn to the other stick.She keep doing this over and over again.
  I have seen her do things with yarn and thread before. She likes to make pictures on this funny looking cloth. She uses a sharp needle. I have to stay away away from those. The points on the sticks that she uses are not that sharp. I tried to bat at them while she was using them. She did not like that. She also doesn't like it if I chew on the yarn.
   She says that what she is doing is "knitting".  She is trying to make a solid block using just the yarn. She seems to be doing all right, except for the holes at the end. I didn't make those holes. I hope she keeps doing this. The yarn looks like it might be fun to play with. Maybe she will make a yarn block big enough for me to sleep on. I think that would be nice. Maybe these weird things will be fun.


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