It's Gone Too Far

   I was doing a little surfing on the Internet on Monday when I noticed a headline stating that January 21st is the most depressing day of the year.
  I sat at my desk with a look of amazement on my face. You've got to be kidding. The year is only three weeks old and already some imaginary someones have decreed that Monday is the most depressing day out of the 365 that we have. I think this has gone too far.
  It's bad enough that we are being told what the colour of the year is going to be, (emerald) what styles will be popular this spring (don't people decide what's popular?) and what toys our children will want. Now someone or some group wants to dictate mental health issues?
   Why 21 January? I could understand if you are dissatisfied with the result of the last presidential election. I could understand if you are someone from the south who has been forced to relocate to the north. I can understand that Mondays may be more depressing than other days, especially if you are returning to work after a really great weekend.
   Isn't it a little too early to rush to judgement like that? After all there may be other days that will occur later that will be much more depressing. What is being used to define depressing anyway? To a single person 14 February may be the most depressing day. To a childless woman Mother's Day could be the most depressing day.
   Why would anyone even want to predict such a thing? What if it was some one's birthday? What if someone was getting married that day? Wouldn't that dampen things to know that these events were happening on the most depressing day of the year?
  This is intolerable. I refuse to have anyone tell me what day is the most depressing. Next thing someone will be telling me the most cheerful day of the year. I really think that I can decide these things for myself. Nobody,anywhere,no matter how smart they are is going to dictate to me when I am going to be depressed.
  I see no reason why I have to follow some expert's prediction and be depressed on 21 January. Honestly,I don't have time. I have too much to do to stop everything and be depressed. Everyone else can toe the party line and be depressed on that day. I'm going to have to take a pass.
   Maybe I can reschedule? I see late March is open.....


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