I Don't Have to Participate
I get comments on columns I have written and I read every one of them. I got one recently that made me think. It was a comment about the column I wrote about retail stores opening on Thanksgiving Day. The reader liked the column but called it a lost cause. Money talks. Obviously,the reader is right. The purpose of a retail business is to sell goods at a profit. It is unreasonable to expect a retailer to pass up a chance for sales. The question is, why am I tilting at this windmill? Why did I see fit to criticize something that is going to go on and most likely grow? Why did I spend the time thinking and writing about something over which I have no control? Then the light bulb came on. I had stumbled upon the magic word. Control. According to the American Heritage Dictionary it means,"To exercise authority or dominating influence over;direct; regulate. 2 To hold in restraint; check." One of the things I have tried to do thr...