Up and Running

   A week or so ago my faithful old desktop computer decided to give up for good. A trip to a computer repair shop was unable to find out what was wrong, so we had to leave it so they could do a more thorough look. I was not worried. We had C's laptop computer so I would be able to continue to write without any interuption. Right?
   Wrong! C's laptop runs on a odd operatting system that is no longer supported. I didn't know what to do. I have a commitment to write and publish once a week. The only other choice I had was to do what I did when I first started writing. I would write on a word processing program and then mail it to those people who want to get it. It was all right, but there are a couple of people who can't access it when I do it that way.
   I finally figured out a way to do it. I was suprised. I'm not that good at figuring out things when it comes to computers.
   So far it seems to be working. I'll be really glad when the new replacement desktop is ready.


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