What Can I Get You For Your Birthday?

   When I was younger I would always ask my Dad what he wanted for his birthday. I wanted to know what present I could buy him. His answer was usually the same, nothing. He rarely wants anything for his birthday. As a kid and young adult I never understood that. I always wanted something. Most of the time it wasn't very big or very much, but it was always something. That's not unusual. There's always a toy, a game, a book, some item that you want when you are younger.
  A few weeks ago C asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I thought really hard and came up completely dry. I couldn't think of a single thing that I really wanted. I have a good husband, good cats and a nice home for us to live in. I have enough food to eat, clothes to wear and a car to drive when I need to get somewhere. I have two harps and a hammer dulcimer. I have needlepoint projects and books to read. I have good friends. There's truly nothing that I feel I lack.
  I did get some gifts yesterday. Three friends of mine spent the morning and part of the afternoon with me. We had a good and fun lunch together. The time they spent with me was a gift. One of my stepdaughters wished me a happy birthday and then added that I was "The best step mom a girl could ask for." It may have been a small thing to her, but it meant the world to me.
  C and I went out to dinner at a favourite restaurant. He had three red roses and balloons on the table. I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful man in my life.
  I finally understand what my Dad meant when he said that he didn't want anything. He had plenty of the material things of life. What he wanted was the immaterial things. The things that mean so much more.


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