Did It!

  Today started out as a usual Tuesday morning. The alarm clock went off right at 5:30 am.  I laid in bed for a couple of minutes and then groped for my glasses. I slid out of bed and put my running gear on. Scamp and Colby were waiting for me in the living room. I picked up Scamp and cuddled him.
  I went into the kitchen and turned on the light. My running shoes were in their usual spot. I put them on, put my ball cap on my head and unlocked the door. I pushed the button to open the garage door, it creaked and protested. Sort of like me. Most of the time I bounce out of bed and am wide awake, not this morning.
  Before I start out on my run I like to stretch. I felt tired and stiff. After I got stretched out enough, I started on my usual warm up walk.
   It was a beautiful morning. The sun was out and it was not too hot or too humid. I finished my warm up walk and began a slow run.
  I've been running long enough that I no longer have to think about what I am doing. this leaves my brain free to think of other things. This morning I was trying to think about what topic I would use for my column. I could write about the fact that Elin and her children were here for a visit. I could write that Jessie, my youngest granddaughter had started to crawl. I could write about how I played her to sleep with my harp. Thanks to the Cruise/Holmes marriage breakup I'd been reading a bit about Scientology. The comments after the articles tend to be more interesting than the articles themselves. Many of the people commenting write that Scientology is a cult. I could write about wondering what differentiates a cult from a religion.
   None of these ideas sounded good. I could write about teaching interns, but I think I've done that already. I've writen about words that I like, foods that I like and quotes. What was I going to write about?
   I got to the point where I normally stop and walk for a bit. I didn't feel like walking so I just kept running. I was about halfway through my route.
   I could write about finally running my entire route. That would mean that I would actually have to do it. I'm not good at lying.
  Could I? Could I actually achieve the goal that I have been working on for two years? Was this going to be the day? I kept running. I wasn't out of breath which is the reason why I have to stop. Maybe it's because I tend to run faster to the spots where I stop to walk. There was no reason why I couldn't run the rest of the block.
  I made the third turn and was headed for home. I had already run three-fourths of the route. Today was going to be the day! I was going to do it! I kept my same slow steady pace. It would not do for me to speed up now. I ran past my last stopping point. I am strong. I can do this. Past the big oak tree, past the pond and past the townhouses I ran. Today was the day! I was going to run the entire block!
   I ran past the neighbor's house and into my driveway. I did it! I ran the entire block without stopping or walking! It had taken me a bit over two years, but I did it by gosh. I did it!
   I stopped by the garden to pull a few weeds as I always do. For a moment I wished that I had a dog. I could tell my dog what I had just done and he would be happy and wag his tail. Then I would pat his head and give him a treat.
   Since I don't have a dog, I went inside to Colby and Scamp. I told them, but they seemed uninterested. They were more interested in me preparing their breakfast.
  As the cats were eating I read my five pages in the Bible. I'm reading Ezekiel now. I finished Lamentations yesterday. I'm glad I did. It would have been such a downer after what I just did.
  I wanted to tell C, but hesitated. It was still pretty early and C is not a morning person. I waited a little bit and then unable to control my excitement I tiptoed into the bedroom. C was sprawled out on the bed. I gingerly sat next to him and patted his arm. He slowly opened up his eyes.
   "What's wrong? " he asked.
   "I just ran the entire block," I said.
    He looked at me for a minute with a groggy look in his eyes. He lifted up his hand and gave me a high five. Then he closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
   I showered and got ready for work, still basking in my little bit of glory. I had actually done it.
   It felt good. I had been taught a long time ago that I could do or be whoever I wanted, provided I was willing to put in the effort required. I had done it. It took awhile, but I kept at it. I didn't get discouraged, even when I hurt myself last year and couldn't run for a few weeks.
   The work and determination paid off. I did it! YAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!


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