Strange Possesions


   A few weeks ago C and I cleaned out our garage and basement storage room. We found many things that we had forgotten. I started thinking about some of the odd things I own and have kept. I would like to share part of the list with you.
   I own a milk can from the Baronett Co-op. I used to stay with my grandparents on their small dairy farm in Wisconsin. Grandpa would milk the cows every morning (and I think every evening although I'm not sure). He would put some of the milk in a large basin for the barn cats and some in a pitcher to take to the house to use. The rest would go into large clean metal cans. These cans would be taken to the milk house where they would sit in a cement tub of water until the milk man would collect them to bring to a local cheese factory. When a bulk tank was installed in the milk house, the cans were no longer needed and discarded. My parents refinished one and it was in their house. I wanted one too. I found one that was still in good shape. I brought it home, cleaned it up and painted it light blue. Then I stenciled Holstein cows around the bottom of it. It's pretty silly looking now, but I like it and plan to move it onto our basement family room.
   We have a set of wedding trolls. These were used as decorations at our wedding dinner. Most people would decorate with flowers or hearts. I wanted something different. I was 35 years old when we were married and thought that all that swans and hearts stuff was age inappropriate. I found the trolls at a coffee shop and bought them immediately. They were perfect. They now sit on the dresser in our bedroom. We also have a "fairy troll" on a shelf in the living room.
   Another resident in our living room is Orv. Orv is a "Seed of Happiness". That's what the company that made him calls him. He started out life as leftover potter's clay. The company decided to take these leftover bits and make clay heads with large goofy smiles on their faces glazed in various colours. We found Orv among many other "seeds"waiting for a home. I was looking at a red or purple one, but C wanted the one that was an awful mixture of orange, red, golden yellow and blue. I hesitated for a moment and then agreed. It was unlikely that anyone else would wanted something coloured like him. I bought him and we took him home. On really bad days, Orv's smile may be the only one I see.
  I have a clock that runs counter clockwise. I bought it at a small booth that sells things for left handed people. I wasn't the first time I'd heard of a clock like this. I think there was a retired dean of pharmacy,Philip Haakenson, at North Dakota State that made clocks. They ran counter clockwise and were called Haak Clocks. I always thought it would be fun to own one. When I saw this clock at the booth I had to buy it. Right now it is in the kitchen waiting to be hung someplace.
   The last one I want to tell you about is a recent addition to my teapot collection. It is a large teapot in the shape of an old fashioned washing machine. It's huge,ceramic and completely usable. A fellow Toastmaster received it as a gift and didn't want it. She was going to have someone sell it on EBay. I wanted to see it and she brought it to show me. I liked it immediately. She gave it to me. It is now sitting above my kitchen cabinets. I'm hoping to use it someday when someone comes to my house.
   I'm think everyone should have an odd thing or two around the house. They make good conversation  starters. They might also make you wonder about yourself.....


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