No Internet Day

I've been spending too much time on the computer. It starts out innocently enough. I check my email and then my Facebook page. I go to the Animal Rescue site and click on it. Then I scroll through the headlines on Yahoo news and that is where the trouble starts. I see an interesting story which leads to another interesting story and the next thing I know it's a few hours later. My to-do list is unfinished and Scamp is giving me the long cat stare because I have not given him enough attention. Whoops.
Sometimes I'm amazed at the stuff I will look at. For instance, I read an article about Tim Tebow's first press conference as a New York Jet. Why? I'm not a Jet fan. I don't understand why they even signed Tebow when they have Mark Sanchez, but that's a story for another day.
I decided that yesterday was going to be a No Internet Day. I was not going to log onto the computer for any reason. This isn't a new thing for me. I routinely do this on my Sundays off as a way of honoring the Sabbath. This is the first time I've done it on a weekday. I wanted to see if I was so hooked on the Internet that I can't go without it.
I made myself a pot of tea and wrote out my to-do list for the day while I waited. I needed to run some errands, do laundry and write letters. I was looking forward to a peaceful day. If I did't go onto the computer,I would have time for instrument practice, something I've been neglecting for awhile. I might even have time to do some needle point.
Then the phone rang. It was the scheduler at work. The box containing the keys used by the relief pharmacist was broken and the pharmacist couldn't open without them. I changed out of my workout clothes and headed to work. When I got there the pharmacy was open. The pharmacist had figured out a way to get the box open. The store assistant manager and I made arrangements for storage of the keys until the box could be repaired. I called the scheduler to ask for a contact phone number of the pharmacist who would be covering the weekend shifts. I wanted to let her know about the new key arrangements. I left a message for her to call me, not email since I wasn't going to go on the Internet and went home.
C left for work and I sat in the kitchen drinking another cup of tea. Normally this would be the time for me to check my email and Facebook. I read instead finishing the last chapter of one of my books. I decided to go run my errands.
I stopped by the Post Office to pick up our mail. I got some new pharmacy continuing education. I thought that I could do some C.E.. The I stopped myself. I have to complete the C.E. on the computer and I was not going to go onto the Internet today. I only have eight credits or so to do. I can easily finish them before May 31 the date it needs to be turned in.
I wrote my letters, did about half of the laundry and read some more. Every so often though, I swear I would hear sounds coming from the computer. "Sophie, come here Sophie." I wondered if I should check my email just in case the scheduler emailed me instead of calling. I firmly told myself no. I was not going to give in to the blandishments of an electronic device. I spent some time grooming and playing the with cats. They liked that a lot especially Scamp who adores being groomed. We had some strawberries that needed to be frozen. I cleaned them and cut them up. I washed the dishes and swept the kitchen floor.
There were still some items left on the list when C got home from work. I still needed to finish some of the letters I started. I did just fine without the Internet.
This morning before I started writing this, I checked my email and Facebook. I got one email I need to reply to. There was nothing exciting on Facebook. I really didn't miss much. I read about Keith Olbermann being fired from Current TV. I never heard of that channel. I read about Jerry Lee Lewis getting married. I read about how Kate Winslet doesn't like the theme song from Titantic. I don't blame her, it's not one of my favourites either, but then I've never really been a Celine Dion fan. The poll question of the day was"Should racy prom dresses be banned from high schools?" That's an easy one, I voted yes along with about 70 percent of the other voters. I noticed something about Queen Elizabeth having a great-grandchild. Since I have a soft spot for the Queen I had to look at that too. It's her second. Very cool.
My experiment was a success. I am able to stay off the computer for one day which proves at least to me that I'm not completely hooked. I may have to do this again sometime.


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