He Wasn't Always Like That

It is Christmas TV special season. People are tuning in to all their favourite holiday shows. "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer","Frosty the Snowman", "It's a Wonderful Life" and other shows an movies about the season. There is also at least one showing of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
I think the Grinch gets a bit of a bum rap. I don't think he was always a grouchy, green creature. He wasn't born that way. Let me tell you what I think happened to the Grinch.
The Grinch started out as a happy young boy named Gregory. He had a brother and sister who he was nice to (most of the time). He had friends. He did well in school, but not outstanding and it was pretty much thought that he would go on the be successful in anything he chose to do.
He liked to be helpful and was interested in science. He decided he wanted to be come a pharmacist. He went to college, where he studied hard and got his degree and license.
He wanted to be in a job where he could help as many people as possible. He decided he wanted to work as a community pharmacist. He spent many years educating his customers, deciphering bad handwriting, counting pills and fighting with insurance companies. He liked his job and was fairly good at it. The only part he didn't like was December.
December was always a difficult month. Everyone wanted to get everything filled before the end of the year. Most days he was dealing with customers who were angry about something. They had to wait in line too long. Their medicine wasn't ready when they called it in a whole five minutes ago. Why did the doctor need to be called? They'd been on this medicine for years.
Everywhere there were ads and signs from stores for deals on gifts. Buy this, buy that and people will like you. If it was supposed to be the season of good cheer and good will to all, he wasn't seeing it.
Finally he couldn't stand it anymore. The fluorescent lights had turned his skin green. He had a bit of a paunch from eating too much junk food at work and not having time to get fresh air and exercise. That big heart of his that wanted to help people started to shrink. He had invested well and saved enough that he decided to retire. He wanted to get away from all of this.
He decided he wanted to get away from everyone, so he moved to a cave house a short way from Whoville. He adopted a dog named Max, because animals are much more forgiving than people. (unless you don't feed them on time). He looked forward to having plenty of time to read and do other things that he always wanted to do.
He kept himself busy in his mountainside retreat. It started to get colder and the snow started to fall. It was December, but he wasn't dreading it this year. Until he heard the sounds of merriment from Whoville. They were putting up lights and decorating. They were shopping and making all kinds of noise. He could hear the echos in his snug house in the mountain. He thought he could get away from this madness and it had followed him.
That is when he thought up a plan. He would go down to Whoville and get rid of all the Christmas nonsense. Then he could go back to enjoying his isolated existence.
Well, we all know what happened after that. When he heard the Whos singing despite the fact that he had taking all the gifts, lights and decorations he realised that these people had the real spirit of Christmas. His heart started to grow and he felt bad and wanted to return all the things he took. He brought them back and the Whos were kind to him and invited him to their feast.
He and Max had a good time. The Whos didn't mind that his skin was green and that he had a paunch. They liked him anyway. He began to spend more time in Whoville helping those that needed help. He lost his paunch and his skin turned back to its normal colour.
In time he started a small pharmacy (he kept his license up to date). Now he is Gregory, who helps the citizens of Whoville to stay healthy and happy on all the days of the year. His Grinch days are behind him.



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