Scamp Contemplates a Career Change

Hi! This is Scamp.
C has been complaining that there is nothing good to watch on TV anymore. I agree. I'd rather watch fish swimming in a bowl than some of the stuff that I see. (Note to self, ask Sophie if we can get an aquarium)
I have an idea. C and I should star in our own TV show. We can go around the country in a really cool car and have adventures or maybe help people. C can wear that neat brown hat that I like so much. I think it's a good idea.
I would need a stage name since I will be famous. Scamp just won't cut it. I like SuperSkamp! Doesn't that just sound cool? I like spelling Scamp with a 'K'. It looks more powerful that way. C would need a new name too. I like Charlie or even better Carolina Charlie since that is where he is from. We could call the show "The Adventures or SuperSkamp! and Carolina Charlie"
Each episode would find us on the way to someplace where we would have an adventure or help some human or some cat that needs help. At the end of the episode we will go home to Sophie and Colby and the show will end with C playing his guitar while I sit on Sophie's lap. Colby will have a seat somewhere and look at me in total admiration.
This could be fun. Since I would be on camera quite a bit I would need my own personal groomer. I would need someone to make sure that my coat is looking perfect in all of my close ups. I was thinking that I could get a hat that would match C's hat. I'm not sure about that. Black fur and a brown hat? I would need a stylist too. I don't know what a stylist is, but all famous people have them.
I was thinking that the car we drive in should be a convertible. All famous people drive convertibles. The only problem is that the wind would mess up my fur, which would require more grooming. That wouldn't be a bad thing, but it could get time consuming. I would ride in the front of course. I would prefer to drive, but the lack of an opposable thumb makes it difficult. Also I'm not tall enough to see over the steering wheel. Booster seats are not cool.
I just remembered something. I get car sick. There is medicine that I could take, but that would mean going to the vet. I don't like to go to the vet.
I have an idea. We could explore things close to home. We could start with the bunch of trees in the back yard. I've never been in there. Sophie won't let me. She says that I'll get ticks or fleas if I go in there. She puts this smelly stuff on me once a month. Isn't that supposed to keep those things away?
Now that I think about it I'm not sure I want to be famous. People would want want to touch my fur and take pictures of me all the time. I'm not adverse to a good pet now and then, but some of the people might smell funny. I don't want people who smell funny touching me. I don't want paparazzi coming around taking pictures of me while I'm sleeping. The flash would wake me up.
No, I think all in all I'm fine just the way I am. I still have my chief house cat job which is very important. If I become famous, who will look after my humans? I can't just trust any old tom cat to guard my territory. Colby can't do it all himself. He needs my help.
I've decided, no TV show for me. Maybe I could keep the stage name though......


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