Head Cold

It all started with a sore throat on Thursday. I assumed that it was sore because I hadn't been drinking enough water. I kept my water bottle near me at work and drank out of it as much as I could. By about six in the evening it was becoming obvious that my throat wasn't dry.
It was sore and getting sorer. (Is that even a word?) That isn't usually a good sign. It looked like I had probably caught whatever bug is going around now. Fortunately I had the weekend off. I would rather be sick at home that at work. That was the good news.
The bad news was that we had several things planned for that weekend. I wasn't going to be able to just stay home and be sick. Friday I had planned to have lunch with my Dad and then we were going to meet Sarah and Dean in the afternoon. We had tickets for the Minnesota Renaissance Festival on Saturday. We had planned to attend the Feast of Fantasy. All of these things had been planned in advance and I really couldn't get out of them, especially the Feast as the tickets for that are a bit pricey.
I wasn't worried though, I usually get an advanced case of the sniffles. It's annoying, but doesn't stop me from doing much.
C and I drove to Red Wing to meet our friends. I brought along a box of Kleenex and we picked up a bottle of water on the way. I wasn't feeling my best, but not so sick that I felt I had to stay home. It was a good visit, but towards the end I felt worse and worse. I was glad to get into the car and go home.
When we got home I started to shiver. I was so cold I could hardly stand it. I think my teeth were chattering. I asked C to feed the cats and clean their litterbox. I needed to get to bed ASAP. I got a quilt out of the closet, got my PJs on as fast as I could and dove into bed.
I curled up and told myself that I would be warm soon and to stop shivering.
C came in and brought a warm pack with him. It is a bag filled with lavender and I think buckwheat seeds that I had bought to use as a heating pad. C had found it, warmed it and gave it to me. It was one of the most thoughtful things C has done for me.
I curled up around that warm pack and fell asleep.
When I woke up I felt a bit tired, but better. I fed the cats, made up a batch of crock pot chili and folded some laundry. I decided to take a couple ibuprofen. We had a light breakfast and went out to the Festival.
We had a good time. By the time we left I was pretty tired. C was starting to feel sick too.
This was a problem. How was I going to be able to take care of him when I wasn't feeling that well myself. I figured that we would somehow manage. He turned on the air conditioner since he was hot. By the time we got home I was shivering with cold. I was a little irate at him.
I found some warm clothes and warmed up a cup of tea. We ate our chili, watched a movie and then called it a night.
In the morning it was clear that I had shared my cold with C. How to handle a cold is something that C and I disagree on. You would think, that being a pharmacist, I would take cold medicine, but I don't. Mostly because I react badly to a lot of it. I prefer to let nature take its course. C,on the other hand,wants to feel better. As soon as possible. He asks me what he should use and I tell him nothing. He gets pretty frustrated with me. ( I did eventually agree to keep a few products on hand.)
My cold has subsided into sniffles. C wound up taking a day and a half of sick time. (very unlike him) We are both getting better.
Although it was rough getting sick over that weekend, it could have been worse. I could have been at work. This way I got it out of the way and now I should be able to spend the rest of the fall cold-free. At least I hope so.....


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