Things I Miss

This morning after doing an On Demand workout video, I caught a glimpse of the local public television station. It was a debate in the House of Commons over the recent phone hacking scandal. I watched wistfully for a few minutes as David Cameron and the oppositon leader (I don't know what his name is.) got up, spoke and then sat down to let the other person speak.
I remember when C and I used to watch the Prime Minister's Questions on C-Span. We used to enjoy it quite a bit. I liked to the see the political leader of the UK be required to answer questions and often wished the the US government had something similar. I also liked that they were (maybe still are) respectful of each other. They may boo and catcall, but they do so between speakers. I miss that too. I doubt that anyone has required David Cameron to publish his birth certificate to prove he is really a citizen.
A few days ago I was washing clothes. I wanted to find out if a shirt of mine could go into the dryer. I looked for the care tag in vain. Then I realised that the care instructions had been printed on the inside of the shirt and had worn off. A lot of my shirts are like that.
I can understand why, the tags are itchy and you have to make sure they are properly tucked in. Printing the care information on the inside gets rid of the tag,but if you forget how something needs to be washed you're out of luck. Maybe I'm the only one who reads these things. Couldn't they at least put the tag on the side seam?
I miss the days when pictures of "baby bumps" were not common. It's not that I have a problem with pregnancy or children, I just don't get what the big deal is. Why not elbows or left toes or something like that?
I miss TV shows. I remember WKRP in Cincinatti, MASH, The Greatest American Hero, Knight Rider(the original one) and Tapper John M.D. Shows that were sometimes funny, sometimes serious and could be watched by nearly anyone in the family. Now the only thing on is reality TV shows, crime shows that cram as much violence as possible into an hour and kid shows that I would never let my kids watch (if I had any). Max Bickford, where are you?
A few nights ago C was listening to Pandora radio when a George Carlin routine came on. I laughed so hard tears were rolling down my face. A bit later they played an old Bill Cosby routine about his parents. I miss George Carlin and I miss the days when comedians could be funny without resorting to bad language, graphic sexual jokes and insulting humour of other types. You know what I'm talking about. The days when comedians poked well meaning fun at things.
There are a lot of things that are good about the times we live in now, but as a society we've thrown away many things that should have been kept like manners, privacy and the ability to disagree without resorting to violent acts or language.
I'm sure I sound like a bitter,middle aged person. So be it. I think it's time we dealt with our problems at home instead of posting them on Facebook, stop idolizing people who have done nothing worthwhile, turn off the TV, and start trying to build people up instead of tearing them down. (and start putting care tags on clothes again.)


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