
It is spring and that means road construction season. My usual route to Toastmasters was going to be closed for a bit. I would need to find another way. C wrote down the alternate route on a piece of paper for me. He has been living in the Cities for over 30 years and I knew he would know the easiest route to take. I put the directions in my purse so I wouldn't forget them. I decided to leave a little early in case I got lost. That way I would have a bit of extra time. I quickly reviewed the directions. I was supposed to go west on one of the highways around the city. That didn't make sense to me. My meeting is in Wisconsin which is east. I decided not to worry about it. C knows what town my meeting is in and he has never had trouble finding his way around. I got on the first highway and drove. It wasn't going to be bad at all. Still I was a little nervous. C told me that things would look familiar as he and I had driven this route before to go to Woodbury. I found the exit to go west and got on it. The traffic was a little heavier that I had expected, not too bad. I decided I liked the old route better even if it did mean crossing the Lafayette Bridge. I saw the exits going into Eagan and started to worry. I wasn't sure this was the right direction. As far as I knew we didn't pass Eagan when we go to Woodbury. Maybe I was going to come from a different direction. There are a lot of suburbs and I don't know where they are in relationship to each other. I kept driving. Then I saw signs directing me to different terminals at the airport. I knew I going the wrong direction. I was going west and I needed to go east. I also knew that I had to turn around. The problem is that you can't really do that by the airport. I saw a place where I might be able to turn around. I took the exit. I was now on another highway. I recognised the number and knew that it would take me to St. Paul. What I didn't know is where in St. Paul it would go. I started to panic. I like to drive, but I don't like it when I don't know where I'm going. There are some bad parts of town, parts that are a little dangerous and it is possible that I could drive into one without knowing. I found an exit for another highway that I recognised as being one close to our home. I took the exit and crossed the bridge. Things were starting to look familiar. I found another highway and took it. I was getting close to home. The good news was that I was now on familiar territory. The bad new was that I was not at my meeting. I still had to figure out how to get there. I took the interstate that goes north/south. I knew I could exit onto a road that goes around downtown St. Paul and would get me to the part of the interstate I needed to get to my meeting. Time was running out. I saw the exit and got off onto the road. I was in trouble again. The road I was on runs right along the Mississippi River. I also knew that the river was running a bit high as it usually does in the spring. The road up ahead was closed. I hoped there would be a well marked detour. When I got to the detour I followed it and saw the sign I was hoping for. 94 East this way. I followed the road hoping to see more signs. There were none. I pulled out my cell phone at a stoplight thinking that I could call C if I got lost again and get directions. Finally I got onto the interstate. I was 15 minutes away from my meeting and really upset at the fact that I was going to be so late. I was never late before. People would wonder. I called C to let him know what had happened. He was sorry about the confusion and told me that I was making good time. He wanted me to call him once I got to the meeting. I got into town, pulled into the parking lot and gave C a quick call. I asked him to send a text message with correct directions for getting home. The first speaker had not started yet. I was all right. I slid into a seat and got out my pen. I made it. Whew! I hope my regular route opens up soon.


  1. I always feel a little panicky when I get lost too. The way I avoid it is to either look it up on my map book or mapquest it and then write down the route with left,right directions to turn and paste it on the dash. That way I don't get confused at an unfamiliar intersection.


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