Wish List

Every year C and I make up a list of things we want to do or buy in the coming year. I'm talking about big purchases or major projects that will need a lot of time or money. We each spend several weeks thinking about what we would like to do. Then we get together and make a master list. Once our tax refund money comes back we look at how much we have and prioritize the list. We figure out how much these things will cost and budget accordingly. It has worked out very well for us. Sometimes things come up. For instance, last year we had intended to replace the furnace and air conditioner and were going to do so at the end of the summer. The air conditioner broke down during a heat wave and forced us to revise our plans a bit. This is my wish list of things to buy/do this year. I want to replace the picture window in the living room. In the winter the living room gets pretty cold. I suspect it is because the picture window is not a very good one. It was good when it was put in about 30 years ago. Now they make better ones. Eventually I'd like to replace all the windows in the house, but for now just replacing that one could make a big difference in the living room. C would like some new curtains for that window. I would agree. The ones we have now are not very good. When we went to visit Jake and Mariah in their new home they had some nice new drapes at their front window. They came from Sears. We'll have to look. I have heard that JC Penney has good ones as well. My bathroom needs painting. Right now it is a dark brown. It doesn't really match my blue,gold and rust moon and stars rug and shower curtain. It's also too dark. My bathroom does not have a window so the dark colours make it feel like a cave. I haven't looked at colour samples yet, a nice gold colour would lighten it and would tie the reddish tile floor into the other things quite well. It is a small bathroom and would only take one weekend to paint. I would also like to paint the kitchen and bedroom but that can wait. Last year the pharmacy students I worked with all had I Touch devices with a pharmacy reference loaded onto it. I would like to have one of my own. It would help a lot when I am out on the floor helping a customer or someone at the register asks me a question. I do have a pharmacy reference loaded on to the main terminal that I work at. It takes a long time to load and it isn't by the cash register. I wouldn't need an I Touch, any similar device would do. I might even be able to take it off as something I need at work. That's pretty much it for my list. It's a fairly modest list. Our list does tend to be modest. We are lucky in that neither one of us has expensive hobbies or extravagant taste. Keeping the list modest makes it doable. It is nice to see items crossed off and even better if they cost less than we anticipate. This weekend we will make the master list. C has mentioned a few things like a closed back banjo,a keyboard, a good six string acoustic guitar and maybe an effect pedal for his electric guitar. I wonder if there are any non musical things on the list.....


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