Rearranging the Living Room

The crack in my 20 plus year old coffee table has now grown large enough that the corner just might fall off. I was bummed about that because I really like the table. It meant that C and I would have to buy a replacement.
We went to the furniture store where a really good saleslady told us how we could get the glass replaced. It could have cost her a sale,but we decided to look anyway. After all we could also use a coffee table for the downstairs family room anyway.
We decided on a wedged shaped wood table. We both agreed that we really liked the grain of the wood and that the wedge shape could open up more room in the living room. The new table also has shelving to store remotes, books and other clutter.
C suggested that we rearrange the living room. When we moved in, we just put the furniture down in the room it was in in our old house without really thinking about the arrangement. I wasn't sure that I wanted to move things. Our living room looks just fine. On the other hand,we've lived here nearly three years. It is time to try something new.
We have a large chaise, a love seat,a lamp, a TV sitting on a stand that has storage underneath,a stereo and two cat trees in the room. It's not a big room so it does look a little cramped. The TV and stereo have to stay where they are. The cable doesn't reach that far. The rest of the furniture is fair game. It will be interesting to see how it will look. Maybe we will find some lost items in the process.


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