
Catalog season is now upon us. From now until the middle of January I'm going to get about half a ton of catalogs in the mail. Thankfully we have a post office box so I won't have to worry about our letter carrier getting a hernia.
I like to at least look through most of them. Some of them have a lot of nice things or interesting things but are either too expensive or too impractical for us. I get catalogs from businesses I'd never order from. I'm surprised at how many. I always though the Internet would cut down on this. Oh well...
I got one catalog from a place that sells educational type toys. I have no idea how I got this as I have no kids and don't order from places that I thought would share a list with a toy store. I looked at it anyway and was instantly jealous. This is a really cool catalog, it has all kinds of educational toys in it.
There are all kinds of games and puzzles. They have Rubik's cubes,books with brainteasers and logic puzzles both word and number. There are picture puzzles and books of mystery stories where you have to solve the case. They have 3D puzzles of various items including the Eiffel Tower. They have Erector Sets,wooden blocks and building sets where magnets hold the pieces together.
They have art kits too. Looms,silkscreen kits, porcelain painting,jewelry making and a small sewing machine. They even have a fashion design kit with a 12 inch mannequin, a sketch book and some simple sewing material and cloth so you can design clothes. They also have a lot of interesting coloring books. These aren't the once you usually see. These have complicated patterns to colour. I think I'd enjoy them.
The things I liked to look at were the science kits. They have chemistry kits and physics kits. They also have crystal growing kits,a forensic science kit and a hydrogen powered RC car with a solar powered fueling station that turns water into fuel for the car.
That wasn't what made me jealous. The catalog also showed kits for making chewing gum,chocolate and gummy candy. There were kits on perfume making and cosmetics. These are the things that interest me as they all involve chemistry. I would have loved to play with these things when I was younger. I liked to put things together and see how things are made. I have liked to make things. I still do.
The thing I liked best about these kits is that along with directions on how to make the items there is also some information about the science involved in making it work and a bit about the raw ingredients. (in the candy making kits) This is the best way to get children interested in the sciences. Science is everywhere, it's just a matter of finding out what interests a child and then you can teach them all kinds of science.
My stepdaughters were required to take chemistry in high school and both of them disliked it. I didn't blame them. They are interested in acting, so why should they care about chemistry or physics. Since it is a performing arts school they could have tailored the class to, say, acting students. Make up involves chemistry and physics does play a role in how scenery is made and set up.
But I digress....
I may have to keep this catalog. Not that I would order from it now. While it would be interesting, I just don't have time. I do, however, have grandchildren. They will get a bit older and may appreciate some of these things. Maybe it will spark an interest in them and one of them will invent something really cool. Or maybe it will just be a fun way to keep them entertained for a few hours. I may have more fun with this stuff than they do.....


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