Drive Thru Wedding

We heard from Lissa yesterday. She is daughter of a close friend from high school. She spent the summer working in South Dakota, decided that she didn't want to live there and moved to Las Vegas to be closer to her boyfriend. We've heard from her on and off the past few years as she's moved to different cities and worked different jobs.
She had some big news to tell us, were we sitting down? Nervously we each took a seat. I've known her since she was an infant so I braced myself for the worst.
Then she told us. She and Kurt got married the day before at a drive thru wedding chapel in Las Vegas. I breathed a sigh of relief. Then.... Wait a minute! Drive Thru!? You can get married in a drive thru?!
I understand eloping, I couldn't see Lis going for the whole big white dress thing in a church, but a drive thru? How do you do that? "I want a Coke, large fries, two hamburgers and a marriage license. Could we customize the vows please?"
"That will be 35.58. Please pull ahead and the minister will meet you."
Getting married is one of the biggest decisions a person makes. Surely it deserves a bit more effort than getting a cup of coffee at Dunn Bros. At least walk into the wedding chapel.
While I understand that people like drive thrus because they are a convenience, I don't like them. There are some things for which drive thru is not appropriate. I don't like drive thru pharmacies. Pharmacy is not just about selling medicine. It is also about giving people information to use the medicine safely and to the best effect. It is difficult to explain to someone how to take their medicine while they are fiddling with their radio and obviously impatient to peel out of there. I'm bracing myself for the day when urgent cares advertise drive through.
I'm really not sure what to do about Lissa. I've never known anyone who has eloped before. I've known people who have had informal weddings that were held in the back yard with a barbecue. I've been to weddings in churches, Bed and Breakfasts, and parks. I knew what to do. Buy a gift and a card and put it on the appropriate table.
What to do when a couple elopes though... I really should do something. Should I send a gift? I don't know what they have and what they would like. I suppose a gift card or some money would be more useful. I don't like doing that though. To me sending money is what you do when you don't have time to actually look for something or don't care.
If they lived closer I would take them to The Melting Pot or another nice restaurant and treat them to an elegant meal to celebrate. I decide to send a card. At least I'm making a small effort to mark the event.
I feel a little sad about Lissa getting married in a drive thru. She told me that she didn't want all the stress of planning a wedding and figuring out how to pay for it. I can understand that. It can be stressful. It just seems like such lonely way to start. Nothing special to mark the occasion. No new dress, no special dinner, no one to celebrate with. Just a pair of taillights headed home after the "ceremony" is over.
Maybe they'll have a reception near here.


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