Things we are Thankful for

Hi This is Scamp. My brother and I are giving Sophie a day off and will be writing today's column. Sophie, C and Carrie live with Colby and me. Colby is my younger brother, you'll hear from him later.
Today we are going to write about a few things for which we are thankful. I'm older so I will go first. I am thankful that I am good looking. I am. Ask anyone who knows me. Everyone tells me how handsome I am and wants to pet me. I have medium length black silky fur with cream and gold stripe markings. My eyes are a piercing green colour. I am a big, muscular cat not one of these little sit on your lap fuzzballs. My paws are large and have tufts of fur between my toes in case I ever have to walk on snow. (Who'd want to though, much too cold.) If you go to Wikipedia and look up Maine Coon Cat, you'll see a picture of me. (Just kidding, it's not really me but it does look a lot like me.) I also have a long feathery tail and tufts of hair on my very attractive back legs. My whiskers are black and white.
Of course, all this beauty comes at a price. In order to keep me looking my absolute best I have to be groomed twice a week or so. It's such a pain being combed and brushed by my human so much when I could be napping, looking out a window or chasing one of my toys. It also sometimes cuts into my daily tussling with Colby. We must stay fit, you know, or we won't be able to deal with territorial invaders.
I am also thankful for milk. Milk is one of the best things in the world, next to tuna. Sometimes my humans will have milk and will not share with me. Then I have to do things like climb on them and help myself or wait until they are finished and then drink what they missed. I have special milk that is just for me. It comes in a box. I like it served to me in a small glass bowl next to my food dish. Milk is good for me too since I have big bones I need the calcium. I'm grateful that Colby does not like milk since that means there is more for me.
Speaking of Colby, here he is.
Hi my name is Colby. I am grateful for my house. My mom was a stray cat. A human lady rescued her and also my siblings and me. We lived with her for a while with other cats and dogs. I was very shy when I first lived there and tended to hide under chairs and things. I'm still pretty shy. I was the last one of my siblings to be adopted because I'm so shy. I was afraid I'd never have a home of my own.
My foster mom brought me to a cat doctor's office to meet Sophie. She seemed kind and gentle and she had lived with cats before. I didn't like it when she cleaned the sleep out of my eyes. I can do that myself. I also met C there too. I liked them both and was glad when I was told that they wanted to adopt me. I was going to have a home of my own and I would also have a big brother to play with too. I was very happy.
I have cat trees to perch on, lots of cool toys to play with and good food to eat. I have places I can hide when I get scared, which isn't too often. I have humans who love me and take good care of me.
I am thankful for my big brother ,Scamp. I hadn't met him before I was adopted. I hoped he would like me. I'm cute, orange with white paws and chest. I'm also playful. Still you never know. My first morning in the house I decided I would meet Scamp. The humans were trying to Keep us apart, but I wanted to meet him right away and get it over with while I was still fresh.
What I didn't know is that Scamp was eager to meet me too. He was lonely. When he came to live with the humans he had a big brother who was much older and sick and didn't want to play. Then the big brother died and Scamp was all alone. He wasn't used to that, he was never an only cat.
I slipped out of my room and started to explore the house immediately. Scamp joined me and showed me where things are and kept me company. We took a nap together. He's too furry to sleep by for long, I get too warm.
I like that Scamp is big. I'm still a little shy so it is nice to know that he will protect me if I need it. We had one human that we didn't like. She tried to pet Scamp. (everyone wants to pet Scamp) but he stood his ground. He growled and looked fierce and she eventually went away. She's never been back. I guess Scamp told her what was what.
It's getting to be nap time so I'm going to my favourite spot which is the bed my humans got me when I came here. There some good sunlight there and no one bothers me.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Scamp and Colby.


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