When I was a kid, my parents had geraniums around the house. The classic red ones that you see if you Google it. I was never very fond of them, I didn't think they were pretty and they smelled bad. I think I learned in chemistry class that the compound responsible for the scent of geranium and the compound responsible for the scent of skunk were very close. As a joke when I came home from college, Dad put a dried geranium in my room telling me it was my favourite flower. I agreed. The only good geranium is a dead one. When I bought plants for my parents' deck this year, my dad asked for a geranium. He was wintering my uncle's big geranium plant and wanted one of his own. I learned for the first time that there are two kinds of geraniums, seed and zonal. The seed ones are obviously grown from seed which zonal comes from cuttings from a plant. The zonal ones are larger with larger flowers. Dad was specific, no seed geraniums. I thought it was ...