The Dress
C and I were going for a walk after a celebratory lunch at Café Latte. We passed by a store that had a cute dress in the window. That store must have a very talented person doing their displays because many times when we pass that store I see cute things in the window. We walked by and continued our walk. On the way back to our car I asked C if he minded going into the store to look at the dress. He said it was all right so we went inside. I went to the rack of dresses in the corner. Of course they didn't have the dress in the window in my size. (Although they had it in every other size including extra large.) There were other dresses that were the same style but in different colours. Actually they were different patterns as these dresses were in various floral patterns. I chose one in a size that I thought would fit and tried it on. It fit tighter than I like so I put it back. C had spotted on in a rainbow lik...