I'm Not Disappointed in You
Last year my mother and I started having contact again ending a 15 year estrangement after a family argument. Last summer she was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. My siblings had been dealing with this for awhile and had already taken charge of my mother's health and finances. They had decided that our parents should move to a senior apartment complex near to where my sister and I live. Our parents moved there right before Thanksgiving, the first time they have lived in the same place in nearly 20 years. To help with the transition, my sister and I visit once a week. She visits on Wednesday and I visit on Thursday or Friday. My Dad sometimes goes back to their house in southern Minnesota to get things that they want to have. Someone always goes along to help. Last trip it was me. This past weekend my sister went with him. Because Mom can't be alone for more than an hour or two someone has to stay with her. It...