C Gets a Haircut
C has had long hair for as long as we've been married. It was above his shoulders in our wedding pictures. When it grew longer he took to wearing it in a small ponytail. Think Founding Fathers type of ponytail. I kind of liked the long hair. You don't see many men his age with long hair and being a musician, I felt it was appropriate. He's been thinking about cutting it for the last year or so. He vacillated. Sometimes he would get annoyed with his hair and mumble something about cutting it. Sometimes he would admire it and want to leave it as is. Sometimes he would ask me what I thought. I would always tell him that it is his hair and he can do what he likes. He's the one who has to live with it. In truth, I did not want him to cut it. Part of my reason is that I didn't want him to fit the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint stereotype. When you think of male LDS members, you generally tend to think short conservatively cut hair, w...