C and I have run away from home for the weekend. Between the stress of the system conversion at the store and some family matters that we have been dealing with over the last several weeks, it was time for a short break. We decided that a long weekend in Chicago was the the ticket. We would go and leave our worries behind us for a few days. We would come back refreshed, well rested and ready to go again. We started out for Chicago on Thursday morning stopping in Small Town to attend my weekly Toastmasters meeting. C was greeted with enthusiasm. He had joined for a brief period and many in the club remembered him and welcomed him. In fact he was called on to be a Table Topics speaker. At the end of the meeting he was given an award for being the best Table Topics speaker at the meeting. We stopped briefly at the post meeting social time to catch up on a few matters.Then we were on our way. We drove through Wisconsin listening to music,...