Walking the High Road
I'm a very busy woman right now. I'm fighting temptation, walking the high road and putting my money where my mouth is all at the same time. Allow me to explain. I'm upset with a few people right now. (They don't read this column or even know that I write it.) I'm certain they are blissfully unaware of how upset I am. They have no idea what I think of them at this moment. I'm fighting the temptation to change that. I believe that social media is a good thing when used properly. I've seen people in need get help, support being given and good new shared among my Facebook friends and groups that I belong to. Since many people check their page at least once a day word can get out pretty fast. Unfortunately social media is also prone to misuse. It can be used to bully, shame and mock others. This is the temptation I'm fighting right now. It would be a source of satisfaction to publicly call out the ones in question and subject them ...