Like every football fan I have players and coaches that I like and a few that I dislike. Unlike a lot of sports fans I have different criteria. I like talented players and I like players that are fun to watch. Unlike a lot of fans, I also like players and coaches who know how to win and lose graciously and who have a little class. I know that I'm about to be branded with the grumpy, middle aged woman tag and I don't care. I would like to know what is wrong with being gracious and showing a little class. It's becoming more fashionable to be rude, dismissive and blame the officials for bad calls. A player who gives an interview that belittles an opponent gets a lot more attention than a player who talks about how the other team simply outplayed them/ made less mistakes or were able to capitalize on opportunities. Everyone watches what happens at the end of the game to see if the star player leaves the field before the game is over. Maybe one coach w...