On Age
A couple weeks ago I told C that I was halfway to 50. "No, you're not," he said. "I am too. I'll be 45 this year," I replied. "44, actually," he responded. "Really?" I asked. "Do the math. You're 43 right now," he said. I did the math and sure enough, he was right. I had done it again. Whenever anyone asked me how old I was the past year,I said that I was 44. The last time I did this was when I was 38. I was telling everyone that I was 39. I was in the beginning stages of planning a 40th birthday party for myself when C reminded me that I was a year early. I spent two years telling people that I was 39. My friends probably thought I was either in dential or trying to imitate Jack Benny. I have no idea why I do this. Usually when a woman lies about her age she lowers the number, not raises it. In fact I'm not even sure a woman is allowed to give an actual number....