Of all the ailments that seem to occur mostly in the winter, laryngitis is the one I dislike the most. There are all kinds of remedies for stuffed sinuses, coughs and fevers. All of these symptoms are the body's way of removing foreign invaders so they can't do any more mischief. They will eventually go away on their own even though it doesn't feel like it. Laryngitis is a whole different thing. It can't be treated. You can suck on all the cough drops in the world, gargle with a sea of salt water, peroxide and other things and in the end maybe be able to speak barely above a whisper. The only thing that truly helps when you lose your voice is to not use it. Unless you are a hermit, it isn't real practical. The only real choice you have is to use your voice as little as possible and hope that eventually it resolves. If I'm going to lose my voice, it's never on my day off. That would be too easy. My last bout of laryngitis happened on Friday. Fr...