No Internet Day
I've been spending too much time on the computer. It starts out innocently enough. I check my email and then my Facebook page. I go to the Animal Rescue site and click on it. Then I scroll through the headlines on Yahoo news and that is where the trouble starts. I see an interesting story which leads to another interesting story and the next thing I know it's a few hours later. My to-do list is unfinished and Scamp is giving me the long cat stare because I have not given him enough attention. Whoops. Sometimes I'm amazed at the stuff I will look at. For instance, I read an article about Tim Tebow's first press conference as a New York Jet. Why? I'm not a Jet fan. I don't understand why they even signed Tebow when they have Mark Sanchez, but that's a story for another day. I decided that yesterday was going to be a No Internet Day. I was not going to log onto the computer for any reason. This isn't a new thing for me. I routinely do this on my Sundays off...