Lace 'em up
It was time. I've been waiting since mid September. It is now warm enough and light enough for me to do something I've been itching to do. Run. Outside. In the fresh air. I run at about 5:30 in the morning. It's really the only time I have consistently open to do this. The problem is that it is not safe to run in the dark where I live. This means I have to stop in the fall and start up again in the spring. Once I can see down the street clearly, it's time to get back out there. The first run of the year is a little nerve racking. I try to stay in condition as best I can during the winter, but I always lose a little bit. On one hand, I'm longing to get out there and stretch my legs. On the other hand, I'm afraid of how much I've lost over the winter. This morning I got up and after a short argument with C over whether it was still dark outside, (He thinks if the streetlights are on, it must be dark.) I laced on my running shoes and headed out. I always start ...