Wish List
Every year C and I make up a list of things we want to do or buy in the coming year. I'm talking about big purchases or major projects that will need a lot of time or money. We each spend several weeks thinking about what we would like to do. Then we get together and make a master list. Once our tax refund money comes back we look at how much we have and prioritize the list. We figure out how much these things will cost and budget accordingly. It has worked out very well for us. Sometimes things come up. For instance, last year we had intended to replace the furnace and air conditioner and were going to do so at the end of the summer. The air conditioner broke down during a heat wave and forced us to revise our plans a bit. This is my wish list of things to buy/do this year. I want to replace the picture window in the living room. In the winter the living room gets pretty cold. I suspect it is because the picture window is not a very good one. It was good when it was put in about 3...