Pen Pals on Missions
I like writing letters. I also like getting letters. It's a toss up as to which I like more. I like choosing a pen (preferably black roller ball gel ink pens medium point) and good stationery (very hard to find so I use a composition tablet these days) I like sitting down with a cup of tea and writing to someone. I also like opening the mailbox and seeing familiar handwriting. It's almost like Christmas for me. With email,texting and social networking websites few people write letters anymore. That's very sad. Writing a letter is more than just putting information on paper, it's a way of letting someone know that they mean enough to you to actually take time to write. Letter writing is a dying art which is unfortunate as a lot of history has been chronicled via letters. I have had several pen pals over the years. Eventually we lose track of each other or something else happens and the letters stop coming. My last pen pal was my stepdaughter Elin. She no longer has...