
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Hard Trail

     Yesterday was a wonderful day, but I wouldn't have known that from how it started.    We decided to ride the Cannon Valley trail. C loaded the bikes onto the car and I stayed inside to fill the water bottles and tend to other things. Then we headed out. We were on the highway toward Hastings when C noticed a black pick up truck had pulled up even with us. It stayed right by our side until we noticed it. The passenger gestured to the back of our car. We looked back and instantly noticed that only one bike was on the rack. I gave a thumb up to the driver and they passed us. We both felt sick. My bike had fallen off somewhere and neither of us had noticed.    We turned around and backtracked. We would have to turn around again once we saw the bike so we could go get it. I was afraid we would find a mangled mess on the road. A semi could have run over it and crushed it. Hopefully no one ran over it and ruined their car. I noticed the bike just past an...

Why Independent and Small Chain Pharmacies are Better

     Tuesday morning a woman called the pharmacy. She had a prescription for her son called into Big Chain Pharmacy. She had just found out that BC didn't have the prescription ready, it was written for something they were unable to get. She was calling around to different places to see what she could do. It was an antibiotic and her son needed to get started on it.    She didn't know what antibiotic was prescribed, but told me what her son had. I told her I was reasonably certain we had it, I asked her to call her MD and have the prescription sent to me. Normally I would call the pharmacy, but I was too busy to stay on hold with BC for 15 minutes. I was a little puzzled as to why BC wouldn't have it. They usually had everything.    Half an hour later I realized why BC didn't have it. The liquid form of this particular antibiotic isn't used much and it is on backorder. I wasn't even sure if they made it anymore. I did what I usually do in such cases. I...

The Reception

       Several months ago we got a postcard inviting us to a reception. Steve, a former coworker of C's, got married in Hawaii last December and was having a reception. I was not real interested in going. I had been to events with C's former coworkers. Spending time with a group of people who enjoyed getting as drunk as possible was not my idea of a good time.     C wanted to go, but also wasn't real keen on spending time with people who would eventually become too drunk to know what is going on. (I'm not kidding.) He liked Steve and had seen pictures of him and his new wife on Facebook. He tucked the invitation away.    I forgot about it until last week when C said he was going. It wasn't too far away and Steve had been texting him asking us to come. I thought that maybe C could go alone. The last time I went to a party with his coworkers one of them hit on me, right in front of C.    Friday C told me that the reception was the fol...

New Email Address

     Recently I'd been noticing that the emails related to my church calling were getting lost in all the other emails that I get. To be fair, most of what I get now is from a website I like that sends recipes and weekly updates from work and other pharmacy related things.    I set up a new email account for just church related emails. I set it up with a generic address. Maybe the next person who gets my calling can take over the email and can see all that was done before she came on board.     The next thing I did was to email all the people who would need to know my new address and tell them. That wasn't too hard.    A week later I was wondering why I wasn't seeing any church related emails. Then I remembered. I have a separate email for church things. This means I have another email address that I have to check at least once a day.    I check email on my phone way more often than on the computer, so I downloaded an app that ...

Helping a Friend

     Mac and Ellen are finally recovered from Covid and were anxious to take a day trip. Ellen wanted to go someplace that none of us had been before. Her choice was Minneopa State Park near Mankato.    I had been there before, but I was pretty young and all I remembered was the waterfall. I looked at the reviews of the park and most of them were positive. Although it was a longer drive, I looked forward to the outing.     When C and I got to the park we had a little trouble finding Ellen and Mac. They were near the waterfall.  We drove around several times looking for them. After talking to Ellen on the phone and looking at a map, we realized that there are two park entrances. One is to the bison enclosure and the other is to the waterfall.    Once we found them we walked on the trail to the waterfall. When we got to it we discovered that there was a small waterfall up river from the big waterfall. We found an overlook that had a v...

Tie Dye

     My friend Dana is more than a friend. She's my sister and I introduce her as such. The fact that we do not share the same genetics to me is irrelevant. She's my sister in every way that counts.    One of the things she does is move me out of my comfort zone. I can always depend on her to introduce me to knew things that most of the time I find that I like. For my birthday she gives me craft type items and then spends a day with me teaching me how to do the craft. She is the one who taught me now to knit and crochet. She also introduced me to jewelry making. I still have some beads that are waiting to be made into a necklace.     A couple weeks ago we decided to have a craft day. She decided we were going to tie dye. I needed to get some white cotton shirts to dye.  I got four of them one for my Mom and Dad, one for C and another for me. I had never tie dyed anything before, but assumed we would be dipping things into various colours. I w...

Love Your Enemies

     One of the things I do nearly every weekday morning is watch the Morning Prayer service at Washington National Cathedral (an Episcopal Cathedral in Washington D.C.). I'm sure there are some out there who will probably wonder why a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is watching something like this. After all it isn't my church. I watch it because it adds to my daily Scripture study and because I believe that there is much we can learn from those of other faiths.    This morning's service was lead by The Very Reverend Randolph Marshall Hollerith, who is the Dean of the Cathedral. I like when he leads the service as he is very down to earth, much more than his title would seem. At the beginning of the service he leads he always introduces himself as Randy Hollerith, Dean of the Cathedral, but I digress.     This morning's Scripture was from the the past part of the fifth chapter of Matthew. This is the part where Jesus tea...