Evie always told me that getting old was no fun. I always chuckled a little when she said this and responded that the alternative was even less fun. I knew what she meant. Her health got a little worse with each passing year and during Covid things got a lot worse. I remembered what she said a few weeks ago when my left heel starting hurting when I got out of bed in the morning. The first 30 minutes or so out of bed would find me limping around until the pain subsided a little bit. I tried doing foot stretches before bedtime, it helped a little but did not eliminate the problem. (I'm sure it would have helped more if I was consistent about it.) Eventually the pain in the left foot was constant although it would subside to a dull ache. When we went to Door County, I noticed that my feet didn't hurt as much. Sometimes they didn't hurt at all. What was different? I thought about it. Then it occurred to me. Shoes. I was wearing shoe...