Today is my 48th birthday. Things happened this year that I didn't expect. I thought that this birthday was going to be like all the other birthdays the past 11 years. I'd be working a ton of hours at the old store and would have requested the day off for my birthday hoping that my request would be granted. Things took a dramatic change and I am not there anymore. I'm not working as many hours and that had given me some time to think. This time I have to pause and reflect has made me realize a few things. I came to the conclusion that I've done a lot of things out of fear. I've stayed in jobs that had less than ideal working conditions out of fear of being unemployed. I stayed in an abusive relationship because of fear and because I thought as long as I stayed in this relationship I was normal. I worked way too many hours ignoring my family,my house and myself because there wasn't enough help and I was obligated pick up the slack....