There's always something for which we can be grateful
It's been a rough year. People are getting shot everywhere. Terrorists are wrecking havoc wherever they can. Refugees trying to flee violence have nowhere to go. There's unkindness and hate just about everywhere. Now it's Thanksgiving. It really doesn't look like there is much to be thankful for. It's been truly hard for me to feel grateful for anything lately. We're training in new staff at work which means my short day is nine hours. I'm running at top speed all the time and feeling like I get very little done. I came down with a head cold that just won't go away and I haven't had time to practice my instruments, get my summer clothes out of my closet or knit or crochet anything. Can we just cancel this holiday? I know the retail outlets wouldn't mind. Thanksgiving is just an impediment anyway. If we skip it, then we can so straight on to Christmas which is the more important holiday. Right? Wrong. We really need to pause for ...