An Internal Core of Creativity
A few weeks ago I told my friend Dana that I had some time off work and wanted to have a "craft day". I wanted to shop for yarn and then go somewhere to knit, crochet etc. We decided that Thursday would be a good day to spend together. We could go to Toastmasters, have some tea and then attend a Tai Chi class taught by a friend of ours. We would go buy yarn, do lunch and then return to her house to work on our projects. It was a good day for me. Dana may not realize it, but she has taught me a couple of important things. One of them is that I am capable of being creative. I never thought of myself as creative. Creative people can do magic. They can make something out of nothing. They can take a stray thought in their head and turn it into reality. I've always marveled at some of the creations I've seen from elaborate works of architecture to a simple electric circuit. At one point in time these things were nothing more than a thought in someon...