Stale Cheese
I was talking to Bishop Nealy at a baptism recently. We were discussing prayer and the fact that I dislike praying out loud in front of people. On those times when I am asked to offer a prayer out loud I tend to insert one or two smart-alec type things. I do this partly because I mean it, but also in hopes that I won't be asked again. It hasn't worked. Bishop Nealy then introduced me to the principle of "stale cheese". He described prayer as a sandwich. You start with "Our Father" and end with "in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen". This is the bread. In between the bread is any thing you want to add. If you want a good sandwich you must use fresh ingredients. The same is true for prayer. You would never add stale cheese to your sandwich, You should not use stale statements in your prayer. He asked his daughter to give an example of stale cheese in a prayer. Her example was the phrase "Thank you for this day." What makes th...